A blaine softball player...
A Blaine softball player can come in any shape, size, or color. There is no common denominator except a love for the game and a desire to get the most out of her abilities and experience. She is not only proud of her strengths, but understands her weaknesses. She is first of all concerned with the good of her team and knows that individual recognition will come through team excellence.
A Blaine softball player appreciates the support of her fans, but is much more aware of the example she is setting for the youth watching from the sidelines. She is happy when she scores a run, but never forgets the teammate who batted her in or bunted her over. While she never lets up on offense or defense, the other team is not her real opponent; it is the full extent of her own potential that she is always playing against. |
A Blaine softball player is made and not born. She is constantly striving to reach her full potential knowing that this quest for success is what will carry her to the top. She realizes that the challenges and competition of today’s game will better prepare her for tomorrow’s world. She knows that the true measure of her performance is not recorded in wins and losses, but in how much of herself she has given to the game.
A Blaine softball player never realizes that the odds are stacked against her. She can only be beaten by a game that reaches the last inning. In all she does in her life she shows discipline, enthusiasm, dedication, and heart. |